What’s Your Ground Control

A new frontier is a thrill.

It's also an adventure in and of itself.

When I first conceived of creating Ground Control I knew it was going to be the bedrock for whatever came next in my professional life.

I knew that it was time for me to plant that next seed and imagine what came next.

But I didn't really know what that meant.

I had a hunch about what it would roughly include; topically speaking.

And I knew that it would grow from a daily writing practice.

Beyond that? It was anything but defined.

And that's where the essence of Ground Control came into being.

There were a handful of elements and goals I was trying to accomplish that were mandatory.

I knew that whatever I ended up doing it needed to be something that I felt uniquely qualified to do.

Something that was personal and passionate.

I also knew that I wanted to have the freedom to do my work from anywhere in the world; even if that would most likely be my attic.

And I knew that it would need to be able to evolve to be an umbrella for other businesses and companies in the future because I have greater aspirations that I want to build.

Perhaps most importantly, I needed to ensure that whatever I built was something I could manage alone, at least at first, and be in complete control of.

You see, in the past I've built businesses that grew much more unwieldy than I might have prefferd; which definitely takes me out of my optimal operating headspace.

So creating a company that was tight, measured and in alignment with my ambitions and goals was critical.

As I sat in this problem, I was frequently brainstorming names, words and language that felt encompassed that big idea.

I knew that I wanted to take some bold steps and improve my knowledge, skill set and vision for the future.

I also knew that the right set of words or names would give me the freedom to write my story and relate it in a creative way.

When you choose the right name and theme it can empower you to editorialize your story in just such a way that everything you write evokes your brand.

Something I had accomplished before with other companies.

From the very beginning I had determined the key pillars of my writing would revolve around entrepreneurship, community building and self-awareness.

At first, I had stenciled in the working title “A Little Better” because I thought it did a good job of:

  1. Showing my desire to grow and improve incrementally.
  2. Spoke to my desire to learn new skills.
  3. Expressed modesty in my pursuit.
  4. Showed an inclination towards growing with others.

While I stayed with that framework for a few weeks through building out the initial assets and starting to architect the language it ultimately didn't feel like it sincerely spoke to who I was and how I wanted to present myself.

Also, to be honest, it didn't feel confident, sure footed or driven which were important to me.

While I realized that I didn't want to strike a cocky tone, and planned to wear some of that honest humility on my sleeve, I also knew that I needed to project 100% confidence in the challenge I was stepping in to

So it was decided that “A Little Better” needed to get a little better.

Sorry, couldn't help myself:)

Patrick Rife

Ground Control

Navigating the Unknown


I don't know that I can quite recall the exact a-ha moment when the phrase Ground Control hit me but when it did it went off like a shot in my mind.

Suddenly I could see myself as an explorer out on the plains.

A visionary madman questing through canyons

A weary traveler re-entering the stratosphere enlightened with recent discoveries, revelations and epiphanies.

This was the person I was preparing to become.

And Ground Control effortlessly depicted that journey in my minds eye.

From there the process of dreaming out all of the ways I could bend and imbibe it into my brand vernacular began.

Research about ancillary terminology that would compliment the phrase Ground Control.

I was wayfinding for God's sake. And it felt good.

Before long, I had a serious list of ideas, names, and points of view I would use to chart a path through my adventure.

It was all coming to life.

And it was magnificent.

I write all this to ultimately come to the point in asking you a question.

What's your Ground Control?

What's your big idea that you've been waiting to launch into the ether?

Is it a boat or an airship?

Is it a mantra or a prayer?

The beautiful think about a new opportunity is that it's 100% open to interpretation and YOU are the interpreter.

So get squishy with it. 

Be excited. Be bold. Be amazing.

Your future is out there waiting.

Until next time.

This is Ground Control


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