The Multifaceted Self: Understanding Our Complex Identities

Who are you?

Tell me in five words, tell me in ten.

Identity is an interesting problem when we start to peel off the layers.

Typically that question can be answered quickly and decisively.

But when you follow it up and ask again the answer really starts to bloom. Expanding past the textbook definition and understanding we initially had to uncover something more nuanced.

The reality is, we all embody any number of identities at any given time.

And they shift and sway. Folding into one another. Dividing and reconstituting. The literal embodiment of an evolving, living, breathing organism.

The Mirror's Reflection: Shifting Identities Throughout the Day

Depending on the day and time we might catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror and see someone different looking back.

The optimist in the morning. The wolf at night.

How we show up is perhaps one of the greatest indicators of our perceived success in life. And the scale of that success often correlates with how well we can manipulate ourselves into that role.

Patrick Rife

Ground Control

Navigating the Unknown


The Performance Trap: The Dangers of Over-Adapting

Should it be that way? I didn't make the world.

Does it work for me? Not any longer.

There was a moment in time when playing my part was par for the course and something I became quite good at. But I think I miscalculated.

In all of that theater some of the special sauce was left out of the recipe.

It's funny because I completely understand the value in showing up as a singular person. Focus, diligence, and clarity rising up like a misty summer evening.

But I came to an end with that alignment; at least for now.

Authentic Integration: Embracing All Sides for Genuine Success

And quite honestly it's not because I want to be an entrepreneur, a rockstar, and a guru. Quite the opposite really.

But I do recognize that all of those elements will resolve to a more interesting person that has more interesting things to say and think.

I'm singularly focused on enjoying being in the moment and also that whoever is there with me can feel and benefit from the pureness of the complete picture.

I guess the point of all of this is to say, the best you have to offer has room for all of you and the best I have to offer has room for all of me.

And that by finding a way to present that blend to the world, we're doing the most we can for ourselves and everyone else around us.

3 Templates for Entrepreneurs to Present Their Authentic Selves

Navigating the professional world as an entrepreneur requires a delicate balance between authenticity and professionalism. Here are three templates or frameworks you can use to ensure you're presenting your most authentic self:

The Storytelling Template:

  • Introduction: Share a personal story or experience that shaped your entrepreneurial journey.
  • Challenge: Describe a significant challenge you faced and how it impacted your personal and professional identity.
  • Resolution: Explain how you overcame the challenge and what you learned from it.
  • Lesson: Share how this experience has influenced your approach to business and leadership.
  • Application: Offer advice or insights that others can apply, based on your experience.

The Values-Based Template:

  • Core Values: List your top three to five personal core values and explain why they are important to you.
  • Professional Alignment: Describe how these values influence your business decisions, leadership style, and company culture.
  • Real-Life Examples: Provide examples of how these values have guided your actions and decisions in professional settings.
  • Challenges and Solutions: Share challenges you've faced in staying true to your values and how you addressed them.
  • Call to Action: Encourage others to reflect on their values and how they can be integrated into their professional life.

The Visionary Template:

  • Vision Statement: Write a clear and inspiring statement that reflects your vision for your business and your role as a leader.
  • Inspiration: Explain what inspired this vision and how it aligns with your personal identity.
  • Strategic Goals: Outline the key goals that will help you achieve this vision.
  • Personal Connection: Share how this vision is connected to your personal growth and identity.
  • Engagement: Offer ways others can engage with your vision, both within and outside your organization.

By employing these templates, entrepreneurs can craft a narrative that not only highlights their professional capabilities but also showcases their unique identities and values. 

This approach fosters a deeper connection with teams, clients, and the broader community, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful entrepreneurial journey.

A Parting Note

This one is simple.

Don't edit you. Find the balance and carry that forward.

This is Ground Control


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