It's been rattling around in my head for weeks. The currency of resilience.

Demanding attention. Asking to be understood.

Maybe it caught me because it's one of those phrases. The kind that feels both obvious and rare ground. Like finding something you didn't know you were looking for.

But anyway, back to resilience.

Success and failure. The line between them is never clear.

If we're being honest? We've almost always got one foot on each side. Shifting weight. Trying to find balance. Tugging at the reins. Making sense of it all.

What's funny is how fluid that line becomes. How it shifts with our emotions: day to day, moment to moment.

It's that classic question: is your cup half full or half empty?

Most of us know it's usually both. How you wake up determines if you've got excess Or need a refill.

Which brings me back to resilience. And how it becomes our daily currency.

I've said this before, but it bears repeating: 99.9% of what I write here is really just me having a chat with my reflection.

That's what makes this work real. No snake oil. Just shared experience.

And it's that experience - coupled with how ordinary I am - That gives me the conviction to know: There are so many others just like me.

So many people trying to figure out: If their glass is half full or empty. If they're winning or losing this week. If they can look in the mirror and smile Or if they'll feel that familiar disappointment.

Those are the moments that matter. When I can connect with someone feeling lost and help them see it's just an illusion.

Just like it took me a whole year of writing to recognize what Ground Control really is: A blend of consulting, coaching, and strategy.

Patrick Rife

Ground Control

Navigating the Unknown


It took so long to say out loud not because of what it is but because of how I felt about it.

And that's the whole thing about growth. About clarity. Usually, it's been there all along. You just need to see it in a different light.

As I've been refining Ground Control into a proper business, I've done my own soul-searching. My own clarity seeking. My own deep work.

It's shown me something important: The work I'm doing on myself is exactly what I can help others do too.

It led me to create exercises that helped me see my path. Exercises that could help anyone who resonates with these words.

That's why I created 7 Days of Clarity.

A seven-day journey that will help you:

  • Define exactly what you're trying to accomplish
  • Identify the roadblocks holding you back
  • Create a clear path forward

Each day includes:

  • Focused email guidance
  • Custom workbook exercises
  • Real implementation tools

The same exercises that helped me find my way. Now available to help you find yours.

I truly believe this series will create real enlightenment. Real clarity. Real movement forward.

Want to be one of the first to experience it? Reply to this email with "Clarity" And I'll add you to the beta list.

Together we'll understand exactly what the exchange rate is on the currency of resilience.

Until next time.

This is Ground Control.

- Patrick