8 years ago I started something that rearranged how I thought about business forever. 

This one simple act, and what would follow, altered my perception of the business I was building and the community I was building in. 

That thing?

It was (is) called Startup Soirée. 

Startup Soirée was conceived as a monthly “Town Hall” style meetup for entrepreneurs and founders in Baltimore. 

The inspiration?

Well, it was twofold if I’m being honest. 

The first part was that Pixilated was exploring raising capital to build our PixiCloud software platform and we didn’t know anything about it.

We also thought it could be a valuable side hustle. (We were wrong here:)

What we didn’t anticipate was how much our mission would resonate with other entrepreneurs and founders. 

It turns out there were hundreds of entrepreneurs and companies seeking the same community as us. 

Looking for:

  • Colleagues to learn from
  • Partners to build with
  • Community for a support system 
  • Information on the next challenge 

Before long our group had grown into a tribe. 

Our mission had evolved to be so much more important to so many more people than we could have imagined. 

Startup Soirée metamorphosed from an idea two dudes had to a movement with hundreds of stakeholders. 

In it people found:

  • Pride
  • Purpose 
  • Community 
  • The path forward 

I share this recap for one very important reason. 

While our Startup Soirée events lasted two years +, the idea, and what it could/should evolve into has sustained in my mind ever since. 

Until now. 

In the coming days and weeks I’m going to be expounding on a lot of the supporting elements that have brought me to this point. 

The ideas, motivations and things I’ve observed in other places that I think will succeed here in Baltimore. 

But today?

Today I’m going to talk about Baltimore Creators, the new online community I’m launching for Creators, Entrepreneurs and other business and startup ecosystem members here in Baltimore. 

Patrick Rife

Ground Control

Navigating the Unknown


First and foremost, it’s important to say loud and clear that Baltimore Creators is NOT a substitute for other organizations and communities here in Baltimore. 

I’m beyond tired of any one individual trying to own a movement. 

That’s not how it works. 

We show up and do what we can. 

That’s the secret. 

What it is, is an effort to provide a central hub for all of those communities to come back to. 

After the live events, after the networking, after the conferences, expos and pitch contests, Baltimore Creators will be here to connect us all together. 

This will be a place that you can be proud of, find your people, and pour your ideas into. 

I’ve been using the word FUBU (For Us, By Us) to discuss Baltimore Creators.


Because I’m a firm believer that what Baltimore needs most and will always need most is to build our own thing. 

Importing events and branded ideas are only going to get us so far. 

We’re a city that rallies on homegrown. 

That’s our authenticity. It’s what will define our impact for years to come. 

And I’m going to be the person to get this ball rolling. 

But I’m sure to fail without each of you stepping up. 

You already know if this is for you. 

So sign up. 

If you have a hunch that this is for you. 

Sign up. 

If you have a vague inkling that this is for you. 

Sign up. 

We want your ideas, need your enthusiasm and are counting on your diversity of thinking. 

Baltimore Creators succeeds when it looks like what our city looks like. 

A diverse, hyper-creative ecosystem of builders who know how to get things done. 

Let’s go!

Here’s the link to join - https://www.skool.com/baltimore-creators-9483/about

Until next time.

This is Ground Control


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