This week's edition of Ground Control delves into the realm of entrepreneurship—a topic that's been occupying my thoughts lately.

For those who've been following along, you know that entrepreneurship is one of the key themes I explore in Ground Control, alongside Community Building and Self-awareness.

Up to this point, I've delved deeply into self-awareness, driven by a personal course correction. Even as an entrepreneur, it's possible to build something that doesn't align with your true self, and breaking away from that can be complex.

Unlike being an employee where quitting is an option, being tied to your own business makes walking away far more challenging.

While I won't delve into specifics today, it underscores the importance of bringing self-awareness to the forefront daily. By regularly assessing your journey and ensuring alignment with your values, you reduce the likelihood of veering off course.

Yesterday, I addressed the challenges and misconceptions surrounding entrepreneurship on LinkedIn. I emphasized that entrepreneurship isn't for the faint of heart. It requires perseverance, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to weathering storms.

You can read  it here.

Ultimately, what I have to say about it is…

  • It's not for the faint of heart. Despite the glossy veneer portrayed by hustle culture and the promises of various business models like drop shipping or Amazon FBA, the reality is far from glamorous.
  • Success in entrepreneurship isn't a matter of following the latest trends or shortcuts. It demands relentless perseverance, a resilience that withstands setbacks, and a commitment to weather the storms.
  • Entrepreneurship isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It's a journey fraught with challenges, requiring individuals to confront their limitations and push beyond them. It's about embracing the uncertainty, navigating the unknown, and forging ahead with unwavering conviction.
  • It's easy to be lured by the allure of financial freedom or the idea of being your own boss. But true entrepreneurship transcends mere monetary gains; it's about leaving a mark, making a difference, and creating something of lasting value.

So, if you're contemplating the entrepreneurial path, be prepared for a test of character. It's a journey filled with sacrifices, late nights, and moments of doubt. 


Amidst that chaos lies the opportunity for growth, learning, and self-discovery.

Patrick Rife

Ground Control

Navigating the Unknown


This week I was honored to have the chance to speak with a group of entrepreneurs at the University of Baltimore School for Entrepreneurship.

Speaking with, and encouraging young entrepreneurs (not necessarily in age but in the stage of their journey) has always and will always be a huge passion for me.

I absolutely love looking someone in the eyes who is facing down the opportunity to build something they’ve been dreaming of and tell them that they can do it.

I also tell them what to expect; which is pretty much anything and everything.

Which is why having a healthy sense of yourself and your self-awareness intact is imperative.

The more honest you can be with yourself on a regular basis significantly increases your pursuit of happiness through the building process and chances of achieving what you set out to achieve.

For me, entrepreneurship is the light that keeps me moving forward. 

The fact that I’ve at times built myself into places I wasn’t happy with was mitigated in knowing that I could also build myself into a better place in the future.

All I had to do was make a decision, redirect my intentions and go.

Which is one of the reasons I’m throwing myself headfirst into a new set of entrepreneurial challenges as we speak.

Last week I wrote my Q1 report and Q2 visions and goals and I’m proud to say that a few of those Q2 items are already coming to fruition; and a few I hadn’t spoken about are too.

Next week I’ll launch:

  • Baltimore Creators; an online network for Creators and Entrepreneurs in Baltimore. If that’s you, please get on the invite list here.
  • Consult with a new music startup that’s going to rewrite the way musicians gain exposure for their music and get paid more equitably.
  • Release information about the first IRL Startup Soiree event in 5 years.
  • Write edition #16 of Ground Control.
  • Achieving the first milestone of earning $1 in this new venture.

Just imagine what you can do between today and next week if you’re honest with yourself, set goals, create a roadmap to get there and stop at nothing.

You’ve got this. Me too.

Until next week.

This is Ground Control


P.S. Need assistance with kickstarting your writing practice, launching a community, or pursuing your entrepreneurial endeavors? Feel free to reach out—I'm here to help.

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