Last week was a whirlwind.

This week is no different.

Last week I turned 44 and shared that with all of you.

The gifts I've received this year have been spellbinding.

For one, the ability to wake up with gratitude in my heart isn't one I take lightly.

Life could have turned out so many different ways but it chose to turn out like this for me.

It isn't lost on me that I have a community of people willing to read the things I write.

And I'm being 100% honest when I tell you that isn't something I take lightly.

People unsubscribe and I do my best not to look.

Partly because it stings a little but also because it validates that the words I'm writing didn't hit.

Or felt mundane.

Or stupid.

But mostly I don't look because I just don't need that rattling around in my brain.

Influencing how I show up and write today, tomorrow and beyond.

When I started writing Ground Control I was very clear with myself that I would create my own momentum and write something that consistently felt personal.

That I would do so despite the people that it resonated with and the people with whom it did not.

The things that we do, creatively and otherwise should always fill up our own cup; if that stokes the flame for someone else then you've managed to both.

Lighting that flame up in other people is one of the greatest feelings in my life.

When you write back to me, shoot me a DM or text message and share that something I wrote hit, it changes my entire hour, day, weeks and month.

But that gravitas wouldn't feel the same if they weren't coming from having poured myself into the message.

From having grappled with sharing something that matters.

Last week I said I would start publishing music on my birthday. And I did.

I put it out there as an accountability measure because for my entire life I've always made music for me first and foremost.

Patrick Rife

Ground Control

Navigating the Unknown


The thrill of listening to what I've created alone is often more than enough validation.

Which is wonderful but also a limiting element if I'm being honest.

Because deep down, despite being enamored with what I create, I also believe that it's an honor to be a conduit that these beautiful ideas flow through.

And perhaps more importantly, I believe that as a creator it's my RESPONSIBILITY to not hold onto these bits of inspiration.

It's my responsibility to share them.

To allow the creativity to continue on downstream.

To pluck the next leaf from the bank and carry it on.

That's the thing about creative pursuits. You never know when they're going to find something to influence and you never know in which way they'll change that something's trajectory.

You just have to have faith and conviction in knowing that it will.

Because it did the same thing for you.

I'll leave you with this.

I saw a theater production of the Beetlejuice Musical at the Hippodrome here in Baltimore last night with my son.

And there's a moment in there where it gets pretty heavy.

Olivia is talking about losing her mom. She's talking about how her mom was her world. And how her dad can't seem to recognize it. Which inspires her dad to share that what she perceives as him trying to move past it is in fact his way of hiding from reality.

That her mom was in fact his entire world too.

And I cried, and I cried.

You see, every single bit of that musical wasn't necessarily for everyone.

Every single bit of that musical wasn't for me.

But that bit? It was there to rearrange my brain.

To change my perspective.

To bring me to my knees.

That's what sharing does.

It creates the opportunity for you to take something that matters to you and change someone else's moment for them.

That's beautiful.

That's an honor.

Be brave and tell your story.

Until next time.

This is Ground Control


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Sometimes, just sometimes, the inspiration hits you square in the face.

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