I gotta give it up to Greg Isenberg for this one. I recently listened to a new episode of The Startup Ideas Podcast where he interviewed Jonathan Courtney.

The interview was epic and led me to check out Jonathan’s podcast; The Unscheduled CEO. 

Jonathan does a few different styles of episodes but one style called “Voicenote” focused on “Going First.”

The idea is that you should be more proactive about….you guessed it, Going First.

Be the first person to say hello when you make eye contact.

Be the first person to start something you’d like to see come to fruition.

Be the first person to launch an unlikely idea into the marketplace.

Chances are good if you’re having that idea others are too. Just because they aren’t starting first doesn’t mean they won’t be enthusiastic to support you when you do.

Patrick Rife

Ground Control

Navigating the Unknown


I found this to resonate with me so much because there have been many times in my life when that’s exactly what I did.

I often found that I wasn’t getting the invites I craved to do the things I wanted.

So my solution was always to do it myself.

And over the years that’s something that I’ve gotten away from.

Maybe it's because I lost my nerve. 

Or got lazy. 

Or simply forgot how powerful that solution could be.

But recently, even before hearing this pod, I had started to tap back into that realization.

You can’t wait around for someone to validate your hunch; you’ve just have to be the first person to do it.

So what if it fails. 

At least you tried.

And at minimum you’ll realize how valuable that was and it will be that much easier the next time.

And at best? You knock it out of the park.

I guess the moral here is something we all inherently know, but don’t practice enough.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

You can do this.

Swing for the fences. 

Until next week.

This is Ground Control


Also, as promised in the Refining the Ground Control Strategy post here are some of my favorite recent LinkedIn posts. I'm pretty active publishing over there so be sure to hit "Follow" to stay up to date.

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